
  Mark Clemente Have you ever known anybody to catch a goldfish in Lake George, “Queen of American Lakes”? Or, catching lake trout without a rod and reel?   Read on! Mark Clemente and Dave Kohler have been regular anglers for lake trout on Lake George for a few decades using a flat bottom 14’ aluminum boat that is equipped with a Lowrance depth finder.   In the summer of 2021, they were on the water 12-15 times. Mark is a retired GE toolmaker and created a device to replace the rod and reel for trolling on the lake.   He uses converted Victrola motors that are spring loaded reels placed in a box in the rear of the boat.   A “reel” was created to hold the lead line and 20’ leader.   While trolling the boat is kept at a SOG between .5 to 1, preferring a ideal speed between .7 and .8. The anglers sit in the back of the boat and hand feed the line out to the desired depth, usually between 100’-130’, where the fish are usually located in the summer.  ...
 This guy was missed in late May.  This photo was taken by a trail camera on May 31, 2021.                          LUCKY GUY
                                                      DEER PREDATION                      Predators affect deer numbers AND  behavior.                       Coyote predation rates are highly variable.                      Recolonization by coyotes happens quickly.                   Property diversity likely improves fawn survival.  
  This information is from the Deer-Forest Blog of Penn State University. Home   The Deer-Forest Blog    The eyes have it! SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 Deer have an arsenal of senses to outwit potential predators. Ears like radar dishes; a nose that can sniff out a needle in a haystack; and eyes that seemingly see the very air we breathe. All working in concert! But today we focus on those big, brown, beautiful eyes. Let’s start with the nuts and bolts. Deer have a much higher density of rods in the retina than cones. Rods are photoreceptors and therefore are more sensitive to light but are not sensitive to color. Cones provide color sensitivity and high resolution vision. Rods are more than one thousand times as sensitive as cones to light. Rod sensitivity is shifted toward shorter wavelengths (green) of the color spectrum peaking sharply in the blue and respond very little to red. Rods are also better motion sensors than cones. A deer’s eye is equipped with a membrane, the t...
  This turkey was missed in mid-May.  During the first week of June, 2020, he was back in the same field in almost full glory.  Shot went just over his neck and head.
  3 Rs Recruit, Retain, Reactivate Dermot McNamara, John McNamara, Jamie Alex & Taylor Alex Dermot and Taylor are being recruited by their fathers as hunters. John McNamara and Jamie Alex are retained hunters. Grandfathers Dave McNamara and Jim Alex will be reactivated hunters next season.
  TEACH A BOY TO FISH Mason Zahurak on the Normanskill Creek Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime