
Showing posts from February, 2021

Stealth Elite by PRO EARS

                                                                                                                    LISTEN TO ME   DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR?   “Huh, did you say something to me?”  Ambient sounds can interfere with good, clear hearing for everyone, especially in a noisy environment.             Do I hear turkeys scratching on the forest floor as they feed on their way to wherever turkeys go?             Do I hear deer cautiously moving towards my stand?  From which direction are they coming?          ...
  He was here yesterday, I was not.  I was here today and he was not!
 BLESSED A local religious leader, when asked how he was doing commented, “I am stressed and blessed.”   After some reflection, I realized that was an excellent summary of how I felt in June, 2020. Like you and people all over the world, I have been totally preoccupied by Covid-19 and its ramifications.   Having lost a relative to the virus in late March, I have been extremely vigilant 24/7.   Translated as stressed. During the month of May, I spent many days during turkey season isolated in the outdoors, socially distanced and wearing a mask, albeit a mesh face covering, not an N-95.   As Mother Nature pursued her springtime rituals, I was very content and relaxed to be a participant and observer of the unfolding annual wonders taking place.   Translated as blessed. On January 28, 2020, I attended the New York Sportsmen’s Advisory Council’s Legislative Caucus at the State Capital in Albany.   We interacted with a group of Senate and Assembly mem...
                                10 POINTER