6 for 1 If you fill out the information on the New York Crossbow page, they will send it to 6 legislators. You will not have to contact them. It will show your support for S2508/A3008. These two bills are part of the Executive Budget. It will be decided before April 1. I expect the legislature to deal with this aspect of the budget in the next few weeks. We need support from NY voters. Can you fill out the information that is requested. It only takes two minutes. Secondly, can you pass it on to anybody you know of voting age; spouses, children, neighbors, friends, etc. I was thinking Maurice might contact his group that belongs to the hunting group that participates in the game dinner. https:// newyorkcrossbowcoalition. salsalabs.org/ crossbowsupportletter/index. html Thank you, Steve Steve Zahurak 1070 Day Road Schenectady, NY 12303 518 355-0657 (H) 518 366-0657 (C) Member New York State Outdoor Writers Association ...