Mark Clemente Have you ever known anybody to catch a goldfish in Lake George, “Queen of American Lakes”? Or, catching lake trout without a rod and reel? Read on! Mark Clemente and Dave Kohler have been regular anglers for lake trout on Lake George for a few decades using a flat bottom 14’ aluminum boat that is equipped with a Lowrance depth finder. In the summer of 2021, they were on the water 12-15 times. Mark is a retired GE toolmaker and created a device to replace the rod and reel for trolling on the lake. He uses converted Victrola motors that are spring loaded reels placed in a box in the rear of the boat. A “reel” was created to hold the lead line and 20’ leader. While trolling the boat is kept at a SOG between .5 to 1, preferring a ideal speed between .7 and .8. The anglers sit in the back of the boat and hand feed the line out to the desired depth, usually between 100’-130’, where the fish are usually located in the summer. ...
Showing posts from November, 2021